seamonkey upgrade => 2.9.1

Volodymyr Kostyrko c.kworr at
Wed Jun 6 07:35:12 UTC 2012

H wrote:
> I just upgraded to 2.9.1 using ports/portupgrade
> this version is pretty unusable
> soon I use the right mouse button nothing works any more, any option and
> screen is dead. I still can drag the window and click the close button
> what makes the Terminate Dialog pop up
> happens in email part as well as with the browser part
> also happens after coming back from screensaver, no response from any
> options anymore
> no so mouse button problem in any other kde4 application or desktop
> dialog confirmation boxes stay open as for example sending email, loggin
> into account after pressing send message, not always but frewuently
> I re-compiled w/wo dbus, w/wout compiler optimization, no change
> 2.9 worked perfectly
> 2.9.1 I have on my Fedora16 partition is working fine since weeks, so
> for me this seems to be a FreeBSD issue
> FreeBSD 9.0-STABLE FreeBSD 9.0-STABLE #0: Tue May  8
> 02:01:30 BRT 2012     hmm at
>   i386
> any idea what I can do?

WFM right now. Can you post your options? Can you show what ldd `which 
seamonkey` gives you?

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