seamonkey 2.12 core dumps with gstreamer enabled on any(?) html5-video and in lightning

Marat N.Afanasyev amarat at
Thu Aug 30 19:23:04 UTC 2012

Jan Beich wrote:
> "Marat N.Afanasyev" <amarat at> writes:
>> Marat N.Afanasyev wrote:
>>> Hello!
>>> just tried to use 2.12 and encountered a core dump on html5 video with
>>> gstreamer.
> So? Have you tried with files/patch-bug761030 or not?
>> and it crashes when saving changes to existing lightning event. so,
>> 2.12 is mostly unusable to me :(
> Can you provide a backtrace, steps to reproduce on a clean profile and
> FreeBSD version you're using? Also, try building using lang/clang or
> lang/gcc.
yes, it seems that problem with gstreamer is fixed. as far as lightning 
coredump I cannot repet it yet. If it appear again I'll get backtrace

SY, Marat

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