www/seamonkey2 past expiration

Doug Barton dougb at FreeBSD.org
Sun Oct 9 00:44:43 UTC 2011


Y'all have marked www/seamonkey2 to expire on the 1st of this month, but
it hasn't been deleted yet. I am currently trolling the tree to find
stuff owned by ports@ that is in this boat so I can delete them, and
came across this so I thought I'd mention it.

The only relevant entries I found in the ports tree are:

deskutils/lightning/Makefile:DEPRECATED=        Depends on
www/seamonkey2, which is FORBIDDEN

I tagged lightning to expire but beat removed the EXPIRATION_DATE
because he said he is planning an update.

It would be nice if this got resolved soon'ish because seamonkey2 has a
lot of vulnerabilities.



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