Fw: Re: Build instructions for firefox

Super Biscuit super_bisquit at yahoo.com
Wed Apr 28 08:43:46 UTC 2010

--- On Tue, 4/27/10, Super Biscuit <super_bisquit at yahoo.com> wrote:

From: Super Biscuit <super_bisquit at yahoo.com>
Subject: Re: Build instructions for firefox
To: "Beat Gaetzi" <beat at FreeBSD.org>
Cc: gecko at FreeBSD.org
Date: Tuesday, April 27, 2010, 8:23 PM

--- On Tue, 4/27/10, Beat Gaetzi <beat at FreeBSD.org> wrote:

From: Beat Gaetzi <beat at FreeBSD.org>
Subject: Re: Build instructions for firefox
To: "Super Biscuit" <super_bisquit at yahoo.com>
Cc: gecko at FreeBSD.org
Date: Tuesday, April 27, 2010, 7:22 PM


Super Biscuit wrote:
>  Forgive me for bothering you.Is there a set of instructions available for building firefox on a ppcG3 machine? Make install dies at libxul/xulrunner even after I disabled java xpcom. Build results are the same for all mozilla-firefox dependent browsers- kazehakase and midori have the same results. Present system is 9.0 SNAPSHOT powerpc. System RAM 386M with 374M available. 400mHz

Do you use a port (like www/firefox) for building firefox? As far as I
know all firefox ports should build on PowerPC. If not please provide
the build output where the build breaks, custom settings in
/etc/make.conf and the output of "make showconfig".


How? I can only upload files to slexy or ompload not pipe the outputs there. /etc/make.conf only has the perlversion listed.
To further clarify/explain:
I have to look at the output of the G3. I'm using an x86 box to access the internet graphically. Things build slow on the G3. It's been working for almost two days and etoile is still not finished. 
I hope that this explains my last reply.



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