Always-0 NFS statistics

Rick Macklem rmacklem at
Fri Oct 23 01:46:39 UTC 2020

Alan Somers wrote:
>It looks to me like three of the server statistics published by nfsstat are
>always 0.  At least, cscope can't find any location in the kernel that sets
>these variables.  Are they legitimately always zero in FreeBSD's
>implementation of NFS, or are they reserved for future features, or is this
>a mistake?  The stats are:
>nfsstat's name    kernel name
>Retfailed         srv_errs
>Faults            srvrpc_errs
>Idem              srvcache_idemdonehits
I believe these are left over from when the code was originally written
for OpenBSD2.6, which did not have a separate kernel RPC, where the
NFS code did the RPC calls.

I suppose they should have been deleted from the FreeBSD port once
it was incorporated into FreeBSD using the kernel RPC, but they were

Revising the nfsstats structure yet again is a bother.
I suppose you could modify nfsstats.c so that it never displays these
fields. I doubt that would be considered a POLA violation.


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