Waht is the minimum free space between GPT partitions?

Karl Denninger karl at denninger.net
Wed May 15 21:16:24 UTC 2019

On 5/15/2019 15:42, Peter wrote:
> It appears I can't find an answeer anywhere:
> What is the recommendend safety distance (free space) between two
> GPT partitions?
> I found, if I put partitions directly together (so that another starts
> immediately after one ends), under certain circumstances the volumes
> become inaccessible and the system (11.2) does crash. Obviousely there
> is a safety distance required - but how big should it be?

Huh?  There is no such thing required.

$ gpart show
=>      40  52428720  vtbd0  GPT  (25G)
        40       512      1  freebsd-boot  (256K)
       552   4194304      2  freebsd-swap  (2.0G)
   4194856  48233904      3  freebsd-ufs  (23G)

That specific machine has been up for 449 days at this point... it's
running 11.1, but still....  ;-)

Karl Denninger
karl at denninger.net <mailto:karl at denninger.net>
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