Mounting from zfs:zroot/ROOT/default failed with error 6

John Kennedy warlock at
Fri Jul 27 13:46:00 UTC 2018

On Thu, Jul 26, 2018 at 11:06:44PM -0700, John Kennedy wrote:
> I grabbed FreeBSD-12.0-CURRENT-arm64-aarch64-RPI3-20180726-r336739.img and then
> rebuilt with that.  That has issues:
> 	devfs didn't enumerate things like /dev/msdosfs
> 	ethernet (ue0) isn't showing up as a device (just lo0)
> 		(kldload ums fixed that)
> 	umodem.ko didn't find depedency (ucom.ko)
> On a plus, it didn't hang.
> Even though it was exported and destroyed, a previous incarnation of zroot
> is cursing me.  So, have to wipe the card and reburn tomorrow.

So I've had this issue before.  Writing the SDCARD out for RPI takes so long
that I destroy partitions and have to be very careful about destroying the
zpool otherwise it ends up lingering.  Sometimes, it manages to survive anyway
and the boot process can latch onto and resurrect that now horribly corrupted
space.  Long story short, after wiping and rebuilding again, some ZFS success!

    [df -h]
	Filesystem            Size    Used   Avail Capacity  Mounted on
	zrasp/ROOT/default     38G    814M     37G     2%    /
	devfs                 1.0K    1.0K      0B   100%    /dev
	tmpfs                  50M    4.0K     50M     0%    /tmp

I didn't have a problem with umodem.ko or ums.ko this time.  The devfs still
has some weirdness going on though.  I don't see /dev/msdos, /dev/ufs, or

    [zpool status -v]
	  pool: zrasp
	 state: ONLINE
	  scan: none requested
	        NAME                       STATE     READ WRITE CKSUM
	        zrasp                      ONLINE       0     0     0
	          diskid/DISK-3C748841s2a  ONLINE       0     0     0
	errors: No known data errors

    [gpart show]
	=>       63  124735425  diskid/DISK-3C748841  MBR  (59G)
	         63       8129                        - free -  (4.0M)
	       8192      98304                     1  fat32lba  [active]  (48M)
	     106496  124624896                     2  freebsd  (59G)
	  124731392       4096                        - free -  (2.0M)
	=>        0  124624896  diskid/DISK-3C748841s2  BSD  (59G)
	          0   83886080                       1  freebsd-zfs  (40G)
	   83886080   25165824                       2  freebsd-ufs  (12G)
	  109051904   15572992                       4  freebsd-swap  (7.4G)

    [ls -las /dev/mmcsd0*]
	0 crw-r-----  1 root  operator  0x47 Jul 27 06:15 /dev/mmcsd0

    [ls -las /dev/diskid]
	total 1
	1 dr-xr-xr-x   2 root  wheel      512 Jul 27 06:15 .
	1 dr-xr-xr-x  11 root  wheel      512 Jul 27 06:15 ..
	0 crw-r-----   1 root  operator  0x4f Jul 27 06:15 DISK-3C748841
	0 crw-r-----   1 root  operator  0x54 Jul 27 06:15 DISK-3C748841s1
	0 crw-r-----   1 root  operator  0x55 Jul 27 06:15 DISK-3C748841s2
	0 crw-r-----   1 root  operator  0x58 Jul 27 06:15 DISK-3C748841s2a
	0 crw-r-----   1 root  operator  0x59 Jul 27 06:15 DISK-3C748841s2b
	0 crw-r-----   1 root  operator  0x5a Jul 27 06:15 DISK-3C748841s2d

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