ZFS backup Q: send/recv and mountpoint property

Jan Bramkamp crest at rlwinm.de
Wed Jul 25 12:03:57 UTC 2018

On 22.07.18 20:14, Dmitry Morozovsky wrote:
> Colleagues,
> still stuck in compiling stable procedure.
> Prerequisites:
> - some servers, all on ZFS, with layout such as
> machine -> unique pool name, usually 2-letters, say, hm and im
> - zfs layouts like
> hm/R/${fs}, like
>  hm/R
>  hm/R/usr
>  hm/R/usr/local
>  hm/R/var
>  hm/R/home
> etc, where hm/R has property mountpoint=/ and others just inherit it
> - on servers, zfs allows for non-root user to make snapshots, hold, etc, like
> Local+Descendent permissions:
>         group operator hold,send,snapshot
> - zfs send -R [-i pool at prev-snap] pool at now-snap | \
>     ssh backupserver 'zfs recv tgpool/B/zfs/srvname'
> Problem: 
> 0. on backup (zfs recv) server, I could not 
> - overwrite mountpoint property (and I'd better avoid it)
> - add canmount=off, especially for child filesets, as it's not inherited (which 
> could be preferred behaviour)
> 1. after backup server reboot, if special manual tweaks did not have place, 
> filesets from backup images overwrite backup filesets, render it unuseable 
> Any hints?
> Or did I missed something trivial?

You missed the normal non-replication streams. Those contain only the
dataset and not its properties. You can use those to backup the dataset
and a wrapper script to deal with the dataset's properties. The zxfer
script does all that for you.

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