cannot receive incremental stream: destination foo has been modified

Nikos Vassiliadis nvass at
Sat Feb 24 16:39:42 UTC 2018

On 02/24/18 17:12, Andriy Gapon wrote:
> On 24/02/2018 14:36, Nikos Vassiliadis wrote:
>> That should
>> not be the case as the filesystems in the backup server are not
>> mounted and "zfs receive" is always using the -u arg which also
>> suggests that filesystems won't be mounted at the receiving side.
> Are you absolutely sure that the affected filesystems are never mounted?

Yes, since I didn't see mounted filesystems after the error.

> receive -u ensures that a filesystem is not mounted right after being received,
> but without additional steps it does not ensure that the filesystem won't be
> mounted after a reboot of the backup server (or export / import of the backup pool).

You're correct, this can/will happen after a reboot. Unfortunately,
this is not the case. It happened a few days ago and the backup server
was not rebooted and no filesystems were mounted. I am the only sysadmin
of the backup server too so I can say that everything seems ok.

It happens though after a network disconnect while sending/receiving.
So maybe there is something there. More specifically I have seen this
on a very limited bandwidth link (60-70KB/s) and only now and then.
I have tried to simulate network failures but the problem never
happened. I am not sure what to do next...

Thanks for your ideas,

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