ctl_isc_lun_sync: Received conflicting HA LUN

Mikhail Zakharov zmey20000 at yahoo.com
Tue Apr 24 05:46:44 UTC 2018

Yes, there is misunderstanding. 
CTL HA setup works for 2 different servers that are accessing right the same drive. It is not like HAST. So if you need replication to a different drive, use HAST, but if you want simultaneous access to the single drive, use CTL HA.

Best regards,

> 23 апр. 2018 г., в 21:54, Mike Tancsa <mike at sentex.net> написал(а):
>> On 4/23/2018 1:41 PM, Mikhail Zakharov wrote:
>> You have different Lun0 definitions in ctl.conf: check path
>> /dev/zvol/tank1/v1 vs path /dev/zvol/zroot/v1 as well as different
>> device-ids. These values should describe the same “drive” in both
>> configuration, are you sure if it’s the same disk? :)
> Hi,
>    I guess I am misunderstanding it. The ctl.conf is on 2 different
> servers, so they are two different disks.
> What I am hoping to achieve is sort of like a HAST setup. So that if
> server-a dies, server-b takes over
> So on server a) I did
> zfs create -V 80G zroot/v1
> and on server b) I did
> zfs create -V 80G tank1/v1
> However, in order for the files to be identical, I used the slower disks
> on b) so that the path statement is identical. But should this matter ?
> a)
> # cat /etc/ctl.conf
> debug 1
> portal-group pg0 {
>    discovery-auth-group no-authentication
>    listen
>    listen
> }
> target iqn.2018-01.ca.sentexcloud1:target0 {
>    auth-group no-authentication
>    portal-group pg0
>    lun 1 {
>            backend block
>            path /dev/zvol/tank1/v2
>            blocksize 4096
>            device-id MULTI
>            serial 20180423
>    }
> }
> b)
> # cat /etc/ctl.conf
>    debug 1
> portal-group pg0 {
>    discovery-auth-group no-authentication
>    listen
>    listen
> }
> target iqn.2018-01.ca.sentexcloud1:target0 {
>    auth-group no-authentication
>    portal-group pg0
>    lun 1 {
>            backend block
>            path /dev/zvol/zroot/v2
>            blocksize 4096
>            device-id MULTI
>            serial 20180423
>    }
> }
>> WBR,
>> Mike
>> 23 апр. 2018 г., в 20:11, Mike Tancsa <mike at sentex.net
>> <mailto:mike at sentex.net>> написал(а):
>>>> On 4/23/2018 12:59 PM, Mikhail Zakharov wrote:
>>>> Hello Mike,
>>>> Thank you for your interest to my paper. I appreciate it very much!
>>>> Your error may be a consequence of the initial HA misconfiguration.
>>>> What is in your /boot/loader.conf? Although the described config is
>>>> quite simple, I can recheck the instruction in my paper in a couple
>>>> of weeks only, unfortunately I’m on vacation right now.
>>> Hi,
>>>    Config is pretty well copied from your article. Thanks for responding,
>>> and have a good holiday!
>>> a)
>>> kern.geom.label.disk_ident.enable="0"
>>> kern.geom.label.gptid.enable="0"
>>> vfs.zfs.min_auto_ashift=12
>>> zfs_load="YES"
>>> t5fw_cfg_load="YES"
>>> if_cxgbe_load="YES"
>>> vm.pmap.pti=0
>>> vfs.zfs.arc_max=22161185792
>>> ctl_load="YES"
>>> iscsi_load="YES"
>>> cfiscsi_load="YES"
>>> kern.cam.ctl.ha_id=1
>>> kern.cam.ctl.ha_mode=2
>>> kern.cam.ctl.ha_role=0
>>> b)
>>> kern.geom.label.disk_ident.enable="0"
>>> kern.geom.label.gptid.enable="0"
>>> vfs.zfs.min_auto_ashift=12
>>> zfs_load="YES"
>>> console="comconsole,vidconsole"
>>> comconsole_speed="115200"       # Set the current serial console speed
>>> comconsole_port="0x2f8"
>>> ipmi_load="YES"
>>> ctl_load="YES"
>>> cfiscsi_load="YES"
>>> iscsi_load="YES"
>>> kern.cam.ctl.ha_id=2
>>> kern.cam.ctl.ha_mode=2
>>> kern.cam.ctl.ha_role=1
>>> a)
>>> # cat /etc/ctl.conf
>>> debug 1
>>> portal-group pg0 {
>>>    discovery-auth-group no-authentication
>>>    listen
>>>    listen
>>> }
>>> target iqn.2018-01.ca.sentexcloud1:target0 {
>>>    auth-group no-authentication
>>>    portal-group pg0
>>>    lun 0 {
>>>            backend block
>>>            path /dev/zvol/tank1/v1
>>>            blocksize 4096
>>>            device-id MULTI
>>>            serial 20180423
>>>    }
>>> }
>>> b)
>>> }# cat /etc/ctl.conf
>>>    debug 1
>>> portal-group pg0 {
>>>    discovery-auth-group no-authentication
>>>    listen
>>>    listen
>>> }
>>> target iqn.2018-01.ca.sentexcloud1:target0 {
>>>    auth-group no-authentication
>>>    portal-group pg0
>>>    lun 0 {
>>>            backend block
>>>            path /dev/zvol/zroot/v1
>>>            blocksize 4096
>>>            device-id FBSDMULTI
>>>            serial 20180423
>>>    }
>>> }
>>> a)
>>> # cat start.sh
>>> sysctl -w kern.cam.ctl.ha_peer="listen"
>>> sysctl -w kern.iscsi.fail_on_disconnection=1
>>> /etc/rc.d/ctld onestart
>>> b)
>>> # cat start.sh
>>> sysctl -w kern.cam.ctl.ha_peer="connect"
>>> sysctl -w kern.iscsi.fail_on_disconnection=1
>>> /etc/rc.d/ctld onestart
> -- 
> -------------------
> Mike Tancsa, tel +1 519 651 3400 x203
> Sentex Communications, mike at sentex.net
> Providing Internet services since 1994 www.sentex.net
> Cambridge, Ontario Canada

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