Strangely truncated names in linprocfs in jail

Willem Jan Withagen wjw at
Wed Jun 14 14:13:45 UTC 2017


I have mount linprocfs in a jail on /compat/linux/proc
And that seems to work.

Other than that I have strangely truncated names there:

root at ceph-0:/compat/linux/proc # ls
81117           81218           devices         meminfo         net
       self            sys
81185           cmdline         filesyst?       mounts
partitio?       stat            uptime
81216           cpuinfo         loadavg         mtab            scsi
       swaps           version

Both filesystems and partitions seem to malformed.

And even stranger, in the linprocfs mount on the actual host (not
jailed) those 2 files do not show.

Anybody else tried this?


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