Recommended HBA for ZFS, contemporary

Ben RUBSON ben.rubson at
Wed Oct 19 16:40:30 UTC 2016

> On 19 Oct 2016, at 17:19, geoffroy desvernay <dgeo at> wrote:
> On 10/19/2016 09:20, Ben RUBSON wrote:
>> Thank you Rich.
>> I saw that the LSI 3008 can be put in IT mode, as with the well known 2008.
>> Firmware & drivers seem to be well maintained, with a P13 release last month.
>> 2 good points.
>> However I did not found much much user feedback on it, nor recommandations.
>> There should be no surprise compared to the 2008, but we never know...
> Well, I just received one, and it seems complicated for the moment (or I
> missed something important):

Some of your drives seems to be not correctly detected.
What "sas3ircu 0 display" returns ?
Does "geom disk list" correctly shows your disks ?

Firmware seems quite old too. Does it suits the driver version ?


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