Problem reports for freebsd-fs at that need special attention

bugzilla-noreply at bugzilla-noreply at
Sun Oct 9 21:00:59 UTC 2016

To view an individual PR, use: Id).

The following is a listing of current problems submitted by FreeBSD users,
which need special attention. These represent problem reports covering
all versions including experimental development code and obsolete releases.

Status      |    Bug Id | Description
In Progress |    211013 | Write error to UFS filesystem with softupdates pa 
New         |    203492 | mount_unionfs -o below causes panic               
Open        |    136470 | [nfs] Cannot mount / in read-only, over NFS       
Open        |    139651 | [nfs] mount(8): read-only remount of NFS volume d 
Open        |    140068 | [smbfs] [patch] smbfs does not allow semicolon in 
Open        |    144447 | [zfs] sharenfs fsunshare() & fsshare_main() non f 
Open        |    203419 | solaris assert: (dn->dn_phys->dn_nlevels == 0 &&  
Open        |    211491 | System hangs after "Uptime" on reboot with ZFS    

8 problems total for which you should take action.

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