zfs send compression query

John freebsd-lists at potato.growveg.org
Thu Jan 7 07:59:37 UTC 2016

On Thu, Jan 07, 2016 at 07:36:11AM +0000, John wrote:

>I'm guessing I'm doing something wrong with the pipes, but not sure
>how to solve it...

sorted it, now that I have had enough caffeine. I was missing
quotation marks and misplaced a pipe!

$ zfs send -Rv vms/133 at 2016-01-07.0648 | pigz -9c |
ssh backup@[redacted] "pigz -dc | zfs recv -Fdvu
send from @ to vms/133 at 2016-01-07.0648 estimated size is 32.1G
total estimated size is 32.1G
receiving full stream of vms/133 at 2016-01-07.0648 into 
storage/snapshots/133 at 2016-01-07.0648
07:50:11   16.7M   vms/133 at 2016-01-07.0648
07:50:12   63.2M   vms/133 at 2016-01-07.0648
07:50:13    143M   vms/133 at 2016-01-07.0648
07:50:14    153M   vms/133 at 2016-01-07.0648
07:50:15    164M   vms/133 at 2016-01-07.0648


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