NFS reads vs. writes

Matt Churchyard matt.churchyard at
Tue Jan 5 11:08:14 UTC 2016

>On 05.01.2016 00:19, Bruce Evans wrote:
>>>> It is a chunk of an older SSD, that also houses the OS. But it is 
>>>> usually idle, because executables and libraries are cached in the 
>>>> abundant RAM. I've seen it do 90+Mb/s (sequential)...
>> Please be more careful with units (but don't use MiB's; I should 
>> killfile that).  90 Mbits/s is still slow.
>Mb is megabyte in my book. This is the unit used by `systat -vm', which I mentioned earlier. 90 megabytes/s is still not at the limit of Gigabit >Ethernet, however, but it is a lot closer to it.

You have a different book to most then.
I've always understood 'b' to mean bits, and 'B' to mean bytes. While everyone on here will understand what you were trying to say in context, given purely that number, I would expect most people to interpret it as 90+Mb/s = ~11+MB/s. That is not what you meant, hence why Bruce said be careful with the units.

I just had a quick look in 'systat -vm' and it seems to use a capital B everywhere from what I can see.



>    -mi

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