Little research how rm -rf and tar kill server

Artem Kuchin artem at
Mon Mar 30 16:03:50 UTC 2015

30.03.2015 18:57, Mark Felder пишет:
> On Mon, Mar 30, 2015, at 10:53, Artem Kuchin wrote:
>> This is normal state, not under rm -rf
>> Do you need it during  rm -rf  ?
> No, but I wonder if changing the timer from LAPIC to HPET or possibly
> one of the other timers makes the system more responsive under that
> load. Would you mind testing that?
> You can switch the timer like this:
> sysctl kern.eventtimer.timer=HPET
> And then run some of your I/O tests

I see. I will test at night, when load goes down.
I cannot say sure that's a right  way to dig, but i will test anything :)

Just to remind: untar overloads the system, but untar + sync every 120s 
does not.
That seems very strange to me.  I think the problem might be somewhere here.


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