Jordan Hubbard jordanhubbard at icloud.com
Sun Dec 6 20:56:57 UTC 2015

> On Dec 4, 2015, at 3:12 AM, Willem Jan Withagen <wjw at digiware.nl> wrote:
> Talking to Sage Weill, he said that one of the main things to keep
> FreeBSD-Ceph up and running, is the possibility to actually run the
> automated builds and tests on a FreeBSD system. So that is something I/we
> need to think about.

I think sufficient cloud resources to run a jenkins CI environment or something which does the builds on commit triggers and runs regression tests are the easy part - we run dozens (if not hundreds) of virtual FreeBSD instances in multiple datacenters to facilitate our own testing and donating a VM to this effort would be trivial.

I’m more intrigued by the part of the sentence which says “to keep FreeBSD-Ceph up and running” since it implies that Ceph on FreeBSD is already working?  It was my understanding that we were more at the part of the story where “sufficiently motivated and skilled filesystem porting engineers” could not be found, and if that’s changed then that’s obviously a different ball game!


- Jordan

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