Willem Jan Withagen wjw at digiware.nl
Fri Dec 4 11:13:01 UTC 2015

On 3-9-2015 08:51, Jordan Hubbard wrote:
>> On Sep 2, 2015, at 10:44 PM, Rakshith Venkatesh <vrock28 at gmail.com>
>> wrote:
>> Thanks for the reply Mike. Yeah, i think its time for Ceph folks to
>> take this up.
> Not to rain on your parade, but the last time I checked, there was no
> interest on that side.  Their needs are adequately served by Linux,
> and I got the feeling that they felt more than a little burned by the
> drive-by FreeBSD port that never actually produced a working FreeBSD
> port but did cruft their code up with lots of pointless #ifdef BSD
> constructs.
> If you or anyone else really wants to move that ball forward, you’re
>  going to have to volunteer to do the port yourself and also agree to
>  maintain it for, I dunno, at least 20 years so they don’t feel like
>  they’re getting into that same situation again. :-)


Thusfar the Ceph people are more than willing to accept patches.
In the tree are already diffs and WIPs for:
	freebsd, osx, AIX, solaris
and it sounds like that the AIX port is working.

Also there have been a lot of attempts to get FreeBSD up and running,
but mostly it dies because the "porter" needs to start doing different

Talking to Sage Weill, he said that one of the main things to keep
FreeBSD-Ceph up and running, is the possibility to actually run the
automated builds and tests on a FreeBSD system. So that is something I/we
need to think about.


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