Urgently need some help solving lost space due to snapshots during receive op

Da Rock freebsd-fs at herveybayaustralia.com.au
Mon Aug 10 04:43:02 UTC 2015

I'm trying to move a pool from one system to another - exact same hdd 
and config, different in other areas. Both register same space 
available, and so should be no issue. The old system is quite full - 
still at least 5% free though.

I have done a recursive snapshot on the system and a send/receive over 
ssh. Near the end, it final croaks and says no space left. The snapshot 
it is sending is nowhere to be found on the receiving system.

Ok, checked free space - should be enough - so I try a simple cp op on 
the last dataset, but then it again croaks no space near the end, but at 
least I have some data.

Checking space again, it says free space of an expected value, but still 
won't allow further data.

I can't seem to figure out why this is not working, I'm currently trying 
using compression on the dataset to see if it can't squeeze it on there, 
but I still have a couple of no space messages so far.

Where has my space gone?!


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