BTX halted

Walter Cramer wfc at
Fri Aug 7 21:45:03 UTC 2015

FWIW, I've gotten very similar errors with SuperMicro H8SMi-2 motherboards 
(NOT on their FreeBSD Compatible list) with a 10.1-Release & RootOnZFS 
test HD.  Switching the BIOS settings from "optimal" to "failsafe" fixes 
the problem; setting ACPI to v3.0 brings it back.

I have an idle H2SMi-2 test system, but not much free time in the next 

Walter Cramer

On Fri, 7 Aug 2015, John Baldwin wrote:

> On Monday, April 20, 2015 08:54:24 AM Karli Sjöberg wrote:
>> Hey all!
>> I was just upgrading one of our storage's to 10-STABLE as per Bug
>> 191348[*] when something strange happened after writing new boot code
>> and rebooting:
>> BTX loader 1.00  BTX version is 1.02
>> Consoles: internal video/keyboard
>> BIOS drive C: is disk8
>> BIOS drive D: is disk9
>> int=00000000  err=00000000  efl=00010246  eip=00037d34
>> eax=00000001  ebx=00000000  ecx=00000000  edx=00000000
>> esi=00000000  edi=00000000  ebp=0008f600  esp=0008f598
>> cs=002b  ds=0033  es=0033    fs=0033  gs=0033  ss=0033
>> cs:eip=f7 35 d0 f4 03 00 85 f6-74 05 89 3e 89 5e 04 89
>>        c2 e9 cc 00 00 00 66 c7-45 ea 00 00 89 d8 c1 e8
>> ss:esp=00 00 20 00 00 00 00 00-00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
>>        00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00-00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
>> BTX halted
>> Never happened to me before. I then booted with a 10.1-RELEASE CD and
>> wrote bootcode from that, same problem. 9.3; same there...
>> Any pointers?
> Hmm, looks like a divide-by-zero fault:
> 00000000  F735D0F40300      div dword [dword 0x3f4d0]
> 00000006  85F6              test esi,esi
> 00000008  7405              jz 0xf
> 0000000A  893E              mov [esi],edi
> 0000000C  895E04            mov [esi+0x4],ebx
> 0000000F  89C2              mov edx,eax
> 00000011  E9CC000000        jmp dword 0xe2
> 00000016  66C745EA0000      mov word [ebp-0x16],0x0
> 0000001C  89D8              mov eax,ebx
> Are you using ZFS or UFS?  Also, do you have the world build from when you
> did this?  If so we can use gdb on the 'loader.sym' file to map the faulting
> instruction (eip above) to a source line.
> -- 
> John Baldwin
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