Multiple entries in ZFS "sharenfs" property?

Julian Elischer julian at
Mon Aug 3 19:53:12 UTC 2015

On 8/3/15 8:30 PM, Rick Macklem wrote:
> Lev wrote:
>> Hash: SHA512
>> On 02.08.2015 23:56, Willem Jan Withagen wrote:
>>> Nope, that doesn't work, as far as I can tell. You'd have to revert
>>> to editting /etc/exports.
>>   Yep, I know.
> Btw, even if the "hack" Julian Elischer requested was in the system,
> you would still have to export all the volumes, so this discussion
> doesn't really change.
> The only difference would be that the clients could use an NFSv3 mount
> and not an NFSv4 one.
I don't believe we use a separate export entry for each sub-fs
but I'd have to go  look again.

> Just wanted to make this clear, rick
>>> Or hack on 'zfs set sharenfs' to generate multiple lines, in some
>>> sort of format. Like making ';' a line separator, and then prefix
>>> each part with the volume we are modifying.
>>> Place to give it a go are in:
>>> cddl/compat/opensolaris/misc/fsshare.c:213 if (share) {
>>> fprintf(newfd, "%s\t%s\n", mountpoint, translate_opts(shareopts));
>>> } And there split the shareopts on the split char (eg. ';') in
>>> several shareopts and then loop over them. Disadvantage is that the
>>> max length op the options is: MAXPATHLEN. So you can easily run out
>>> of space if you have many exports to do.
>>   Here is PR with patch about this, from 2012 :(
>> - --
>> // Lev Serebryakov
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