Borja Marcos borjam at sarenet.es
Wed Oct 8 08:28:24 UTC 2014

On Oct 7, 2014, at 4:24 PM, Robert Schulze wrote:

> Am 07.10.2014 16:15, schrieb Ivailo A. Tanusheff:
>> I want to achieve an automated snapshot creation/removal trough C written daemon by myself.
>> Obvious there is an API, but without proper documentation.
> This can easily be done with any scripting language/shell, no need to code that in C.

It depends on your goals. Relying on scripts running commands and parsing their output is not what I would call
sound software design. So much can go wrong. If you are just putting together some tools do to some light work it's fine, though.

The problem with the API is that, as far as I know, it is not stable. It hasn't been defined as a valid interface to control
ZFS, but just a convenience library and interface between the command line tools and the underlying system. Hence, it
can change completely even with an apparently minor update, so relying on it is even worse than playing command parsing.

It would be great to have a reliable API.


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