RFC: new NFS mount option to work around Solaris server bug

Mehmet Erol Sanliturk m.e.sanliturk at gmail.com
Wed Dec 24 23:34:22 UTC 2014

On Wed, Dec 24, 2014 at 3:14 PM, Rick Macklem <rmacklem at uoguelph.ca> wrote:

> Hi,
> https://bugs.freebsd.org/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=193128
> This bug report discusses a bug in the Solaris NFS server
> that is tickled by the way FreeBSD currently does exclusive
> open in the NFS client.
> FreeBSD sets both the mtime to the time of the client and
> also the file's mode using a Setattr RPC done after an
> exclusive create of the file in an exclusive open.
> Jason (jnaughto at ee.ryerson.ca) was able to figure out that
> the server bug can be avoided if the mtime is set to the
> server's time (xxx_TOSERVER option in the Setattr RPC request).
> I'd like to propose a new mount option that forces the
> FreeBSD client to use xxx_TOSERVER for setting times,
> mostly to be used as a work around for this Solaris server bug.
> 1 - Does doing this make sense to others?
> 2 - If the answer to one is "Yes", then what do you think
>     the option should be called?
>     useservertime
>     useservtm
>     ust
>     OR ??
> Thanks in advance for your comments, rick

Many years ago , I had worked for a while in

Banyan Network Operating System and
Novell Netware .

When a client connected to those systems , time in client computer was set
to server time .

In FreeBSD , for NFS clients , using Server time will be very useful for
files stored into server .
Otherwise , during compilations with make , it is displaying message "There
is a time drift between client and server ... " .

When there is no NTP usage by clients or NTP may synchronize times from
different NTP servers , their times may be different  , and these
differences may prevent correct work of time based processes on files
stored into server .

The "use_server_time" is more readable ( mostly clients are connected
through fstab , two character more is not a significant burden ) .

Thank you very much .

Mehmet Erol Sanliturk

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