zfs only mounting "root" after reboot

Benjamin Kaduk kaduk at MIT.EDU
Mon Aug 18 04:11:56 UTC 2014

On Sat, 16 Aug 2014, Thomas Schweikle wrote:

> FreeBSD. It is merely the same as what FreeBSD has at /proc and is
> mounted at /usr/compat/linux/proc (which is linked to
> is normally mounted at /dev/fd.
> There are some other pseudo filesystems you may or may not need to
> mount them -- it depends on what programs you run ...! Some of them
> mount to /usr/compat, some to /dev (some of them then link to
> /usr/compat/<somename> -- these need /usr to be mounted).

Ah, yes, this is the more mundane "the mountpoint must exist for the mount
to succeed" issue.

I don't see any documentation of it in the obvious places in the handbook,
though, so thanks for pointing it out.


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