Defaults in 10.0 ZFS through bsdinstall

Stefan Esser se at
Fri Nov 15 08:58:24 UTC 2013

Am 15.11.2013 01:00, schrieb Mark Felder:
> On Nov 14, 2013, at 15:04, Teske, Devin <Devin.Teske at> wrote:
>> Sounds like a vote for enabling it where-needed by-default (e.g., /var as a whole
>> or more selectively, /var/mail)
> I'd be OK with FreeBSD taking a stance and moving to noatime by default but we should be consistent across all filesystems that a user can install the OS on from our provided installation media. We should make it obvious to the end users as well.

The cost of atime on UFS and ZFS is quite different. While I
understand that consistency is a plus, I do think that there
is good reason to have different defaults for UFS and ZFS.

It would be good if there was a global parameter which let
the user choose the atime setting for all file-systems where
this setting is not overridden. Such a parameter could be
OFF (noatime) for ZFS and ON for UFS by default, but with
a short explanation about the consequences and a way to
toggle this setting if desired.

Regards, STefan

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