RFC: Suggesting ZFS "best practices" in FreeBSD

Andriy Gapon avg at FreeBSD.org
Tue Jan 22 13:41:19 UTC 2013

on 22/01/2013 13:03 Borja Marcos said the following:
> pool/root pool/root/var pool/root/usr pool/root/tmp
> Why pool/root instead of simply "pool"? Because it's easier to understand,
> snapshot, send/receive, etc. Why in a hierarchy? Because, if needed, it's
> possible to snapshot the whole "system" tree atomically.

I recommend placing "/" into pool/ROOT/<current-name>.
That would very useful for boot environments (BEs - use them!).

> I also set the mountpoint of the "system" tree as legacy, and rely on
> /etc/fstab.

I do place anything for ZFS into fstab.
Nor I use vfs.root.mountfrom loader variable.
I depend on the boot and kernel code doing the right thing based on pool's bootfs

> Why? In order to avoid an accidental "auto mount"  of critical
> filesystems in case, for example, I boot off a pendrive in order to tinker.

Not sure what you mean, if you don't import the pool nothing gets mounted.
If you remember to use import -R then everything gets mounted in controlled places.

Andriy Gapon

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