A failed drive causes system to hang

Steven Hartland killing at multiplay.co.uk
Sun Apr 14 14:09:31 UTC 2013

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Radio mlodych bandytów" <radiomlodychbandytow at o2.pl>
To: <support at lists.pcbsd.org>
Cc: <freebsd-fs at freebsd.org>
Sent: Sunday, April 14, 2013 11:10 AM
Subject: A failed drive causes system to hang

> Cross-post from freebsd-fs:
> http://docs.freebsd.org/cgi/getmsg.cgi?fetch=333977+0+archive/2013/freebsd-fs/20130414.freebsd-fs
> I have a failing drive in my array. I need to RMA it, but don't have
> time and it fails rarely enough to be a yet another annoyance.
> The failure is simple: it fails to respond.
> When it happens, the only thing I found I can do is switch consoles. Any command hangs, login on different consoles hangs, apps 
> hang.
> I run PC-BSD 9.1.
> On the 1st console I see a series of messages like:
> (ada0:ahcich0:0:0:0): CAM status: Command timeout
> (ada0:ahcich0:0:0:0): Error 5, Periph was invalidated
> (ada0:ahcich0:0:0:0): WRITE_FPDMA_QUEUED
> I've seen it happening even when running an installer from a different drive, while preparing installation (don't remember which 
> step).
> I have partial dmesg screenshots from an older failure (21st of December 2012), transcript below:
> Screen1:
> (ada0:ahcich0:0:0:0): FLUSHCACHE40. ACB: (ea?) 00 00 00 00 (cut?)
> (ada0:ahcich0:0:0:0): CAM status: Unconditionally Re-qu (cut)
> (ada0:ahcich0:0:0:0): Error 5, Periph was invalidated
> (ada0:ahcich0:0:0:0): WRITE_FPDMA_QUEUED. ACB: 61 05 d3(cut)
> 00

smartctl has the ability to print out the queued log file if
the drive supports it. This may give you some more information
on what the problem may be with your drive.


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