lszfs command for loader

Alexander Motin mav at
Sun Sep 23 12:34:00 UTC 2012

On 22.09.2012 19:20, Andriy Gapon wrote:
> Please find a patch that implements lszfs loader command.
> The command can list child filesystems of a specified filesystem (including root
> dataset).
> The command is really simplistic, a list goes directly to console, so there is
> no filtering of hidden filesystem names etc.
> The command is intended to facilitate recovery on systems that use "Boot
> Environments" approach for boot/root filesystem.

That is good for the beginning, but I believe it is not right to add 
ZFS-specific commands when it is possible to avoid it. I would prefer to 
see lsdev report ZFS file systems same as it reports disk partitions or 
ZFS pools. I am going to work in that part. Also I would like to see 
lsdev output refactored to be formal enough to use these data in loader 
menu. After some look on forth code I see no big problem to pass data 
there. All we need to do is to extend device API of libstand with some 
method replacing dv_print() with something more alike to readdir().

Alexander Motin

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