odd phantom directory (cross posted from freebsd-general)

Brian Gold bgold at simons-rock.edu
Fri Nov 16 17:02:29 UTC 2012

Hi all,

My problem appears to be resolved for now, but I would definitely like to
understand what the root cause of the issue was. I'm crossposting this to
freebsd-fs based on some a suggestion from a freebsd-general user.

First post
I ran into a rather odd issue this morning with my FreeBSD 9.0-Release
system running ZFS v28. This system serves as an RSYNC host which all of our
other systems back up to each night. Last night, I started getting the
following error: file has vanished: "/backup/ldap1/etc/pki"

Now, usually when I get a file has vanished error during an RSYNC run, it
indicates that the source file/directory on the system that is sending the
rsync backup has been deleted or moved before rsync got a chance to actually
send it. That doesn't appear to be the case here. "/backup/ldap1/etc/pki" is
the destination directory on my Freebsd/ZFS server. I take a look in
"/backup/ldap1/etc" on my Freebsd server and the "pki" subdirectory is no
longer listed.

Ok, so I run "mkdir /backup/ldap1/etc/pki" and get the following error:
"mkdir: /backup/ldap1/etc/pki: File exists". Odd

Just to double check, I run "ls -la /backup/ldap1/etc/pki" and get the
following: "ls: /backup/ldap1/etc/pki: No such file or directory"

Alright, how about a simple touch? "touch: /backup/ldap1/etc/pki: No such
file or directory"

Fine. Maybe there is something funky about the "/backup/ldap1/etc" directory
that is preventing me from doing any of this. "mkdir
/backup/ldap1/etc/pki2". That works just fine.

What the heck?

Looking at the output of my daily security run, I see the following:

Checking setuid files and devices:
find: /backup/ldap1/etc/fonts/conf.avail: No such file or directory
find: /backup/ldap1/etc/fonts/conf.d/30-metric-aliases.conf: No such file or
find: /backup/ldap1/etc/pki: No such file or directory

So, it looks like there are a few files/directories in /backup/ldap1/etc
that were affected.
Looking through dmesg and /var/log/messages, I don't see anything out of the
I'm running a zpool scrub now just to be on the safe side, but I haven't
seen any checksum or other errors so far.

Any thoughts as to what might be causing this?

second post
It looks like this may be the same issue as reported here:
but that thread seems to have just died off about a year ago.
Zfs scrub is still running, but not reported errors so far. I'm going to run
a "zdb -ccv backup" once that is done.

>From looking over this other thread, I tried just a simple "ls
/backup/ldap1/etc" and "/backup/ldap1/etc/pki" does show up if I do "ls"
without any arguments. If I do an "ls -l" then it doesn't show up.

third post
Ok, really confused now. I just ran an "rm -rf /backup/ldap1", which errored
out when trying to rm "/backup/ldap1/etc/pki",
"/backup/ldap1/etc/fonts/conf.d/30-metric-aliases.conf", and
"/backup/ldap1/etc/fonts/conf.avail". Everything else got purged correctly,
except for those phantom files.

I then reran my rsync script, which DIDN'T error this time, shipped all the
files over, and I can now read those phantom files/folders just fine.

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