growfs remove ufs/label and can't reset it with tunefs

Matt Thyer matt.thyer at
Mon Mar 12 00:45:23 UTC 2012

2012/3/9 Olivier Cochard-Labbé <olivier at>

> Hi all,
> once run growfs on a partition that had an UFS label, this label is
> removed and it's no more possible to re-set it with tunefs.
> Here is how to reproduce (tested on 8.3 and 9.0):
> mdconfig -a -t malloc -s 10MB
> gpart create -s mbr /dev/md0
> gpart add -t freebsd -s 5MB /dev/md0
> newfs -L THELABEL /dev/md0s1
> glabel status | grep THELABEL
> => Label is present, now we resize the slice:
> gpart resize -i 1 /dev/md0
> glabel status | grep THELABEL
> => Label is still present, now we growfs the slice:
> growfs /dev/md0s1
> glabel status | grep THELABEL
> => UFS label disapear !
> Ok, I will try to re-set it:
> tunefs -L THELABEL /dev/md0s1
> glabel status | grep THELABEL
> => Still no label !?!
> Should I create a PR about this problem ?
> Regards,
> Olivier


It is important to record this problem in the PR system.

I suspect that the problem is with growfs as it needs to be taught to not
overwrite the end of the volume where the label information is stored.

(It will need to examine the volume to see if GEOM has information stored
at the end of the volume such that the grow should not overwrite the GEOM


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