Using AMD with NFS Mounts

Rick Macklem rmacklem at
Wed Aug 29 22:41:43 UTC 2012

Bob Friesenhahn wrote:
> On Wed, 29 Aug 2012, Tim Gustafson wrote:
> >
> > Not having autofs on FreeBSD is a real thorn in my side. I'm trying
> > to get FreeBSD implemented more at UCSC, and specifically the School
> > of Engineering, as a large-volume file server, and the lack of a
> > proper auto-mounter that works the same way (or at least close
> > enough)
> > as all our other systems is a huge roadblock.
> I agree. I don't understand the relationship between FreeBSD and AMD
> (am-utils). FreeBSD barely admits to having AMD and does not provide
> any documentation for it. Likewise, books about FreeBSD do not
> discuss the automounter.
Among other things, I think amd is the last thing to use the old mount(2)
syscall instead of nmount(2) for NFS mounts. I haven't had the nerve to
even look at the code.

> > I'm not much of a kernel hacker, otherwise I might attempt this
> > myself, but it seems like this can't possibly be that hard,
> > especially
> > since it's implemented in Linux, which is GPL'd and therefore open
> > to
> > porting.
> It would be more reasonable to re-use the Sun automounter code from
> Illumos which should be under CDDL license like zfs. The Sun
> automounter code is more mature than Linux automounter and has fewer
> missing features and fewer bugs.
I had actually thought that the Mac OS X autofs was based on the Solaris
one, but I could be incorrect?

I think I've also mentioned that an autofs port would be nice.

I suspect the reason it hasn't happened is simply "no one with the
time/resources and skills has volunteered to do it"? (I am not familiar
with Alfred's port and there may be others I am not familiar with. I am
also not familiar with any patent issues that might exist. Talk of patents
does make me nervous, but I would hope that the CDDL'd code would be ok
to include as a loadable module.)


> Bob
> --
> Bob Friesenhahn
> bfriesen at,
> GraphicsMagick Maintainer,
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