ZFS compression doesn't work

Dennis Glatting freebsd at pki2.com
Mon Aug 27 23:49:44 UTC 2012

On Mon, 2012-08-27 at 23:51 +0200, antonin tessier wrote:
> Hello,
> I am trying to understand and use ZFS features. My issue is that compression doesn't work, indeed I have a pool and a filesystem named "home" and "home/compressed".
> #zfs list
>  home                       7.33G            180G   32K     home
>  home/compressed  7.33G   180G  7.33G  /home/compressed
> despite I did:
> # zfs set compression=gzip home/compressed
> I don't understand where it is wrong.

Compression works. I use it extensively.

> Thank you.
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