Hang when importing pool

Karli Sjöberg Karli.Sjoberg at slu.se
Wed Aug 22 11:27:21 UTC 2012

22 aug 2012 kl. 12.29 skrev Marcelo Araujo:

2012/8/15 Karli Sjöberg <Karli.Sjoberg at slu.se<mailto:Karli.Sjoberg at slu.se>>

as Marcelo Araujo suggested. See how long it´ll take before it stalls this time...

Dear Karli,

Any new or progress with your issue?

Hey man, glad to hear back from you!

Well, not much progress, I´m afraid. The constant reboot/import-loop didn´t seem to yield much even after a couple of days, so I´ve gotten the disks hooked up to yet another server we had and managed to spare. It´s fugly to say the least, but whatever gets the job done, right:)
Notice the "elegant" paperclip in the SuperMicro system´s ATX connector;)

The blade underneath is a Sun Fire X4140 from one of the two original Sun Storage 7310 HA cluster system that served this data from a JBOD before it was moved to the SuperMicro/FreeBSD system. It is equipped with even more RAM(64GB) but import still stalls like this:

Oddly enough, Wired RAM is only about 5-5.5GB but it hasn´t been doing anything productive for about an hour or so... Thoughts?

Best Regards,
Marcelo Araujo
araujo at FreeBSD.org<mailto:araujo at FreeBSD.org>

Med Vänliga Hälsningar
Karli Sjöberg
Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences
Box 7079 (Visiting Address Kronåsvägen 8)
S-750 07 Uppsala, Sweden
Phone:  +46-(0)18-67 15 66
karli.sjoberg at slu.se<mailto:karli.sjoberg at adm.slu.se>

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