bin/148296: [zfs] [loader] [patch] Very slow probe in /usr/src/sys/boot/zfs/zfs.c

Jimmy Olgeni olgeni at
Fri Sep 16 03:07:47 UTC 2011

On Thu, 15 Sep 2011, Artem Belevich wrote:

> Any idea what fixed it?
> Actually, I'm not sure it's actually got fixed. At least I don't see
> anything obvious in SVN history for sys/boot/zfs/zfs.c since ZVSv28
> commit. I've got gptzfsboot built about 4-6 weeks back and at that
> time it was as slow as it ever was probing drives in an 8-drive raidz
> pool.

For me it was happening when booting off a mirror, but I haven't seen 
this happen in a while. Last time I saw this was definitely in the 
pre-ZFSv28 times.

It could be that the problem is still there but I am unable to see it 
due to different caching on the disks, as I swapped hardware a few 
times since then.

Also, the attached patch did not handle "holes" in the GPT partition 
sequence so it was kind of dangerous if you had a less than linear 
setup :)


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