rm on full zfs: quota limit exceeded

David Brodbeck gull at gull.us
Mon May 23 23:18:40 UTC 2011

On Mon, May 23, 2011 at 1:17 AM, Robert Schulze <rs at bytecamp.net> wrote:
> Hi,
> I thought that this bug was already fixed, but it isn't: deleting a file
> from a full ZFS results in "Disc quota exceeded".
> We are running 8.2-STABLE (amd64) from 2011-05-08. Zpool version 14, zfs
> version 3.
> Is this already fixed in newer zpool/zfs versions?

Are you using 'quota' or 'refquota'?  'quota' takes into account
snapshots, so even if the bug is fixed you could still hit this if
you're using quota and have snapshots.  'refquota' ignores snapshots
and is probably what you want.

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