problem with copying data on hast-device

Nikitin Vitaly vnik at
Thu Jun 23 09:18:08 UTC 2011


I seem to have some trouble with hastd, I hope you can help me in this.
I set up hastd successfully on two nodes for testing.
Everything seems to work fine, I set up hast.conf, do the role part, 
newfs and mount. On the first node I set up primary role. On the second 
node I set up secondary role.

Problem: When I start copying about 300-400GB data from hdd to the hast 
mount device, the whole system freezes, in that time gstat showed 
hast/[devicename] %busy 99.9
No error msg in log files found. The problem repeats even if I copy data 
from the network or with help of rsync, on the hast mount device.

I try to switch off hastd service on the second node, but this isn't 
take effect. Problem starts randomly. Sometimes, the copying small data 
is done, but more not.
Please help me, if you can.




C уважением Никитин В.В., тел. 430

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