moving away from freebsd and zfs

Weldon Godfrey weldon at
Fri Oct 8 12:31:21 UTC 2010

nfsd runs in multiple threads now...which you can see with top.    the default limit is 4.  you can increase this limit with a sysctl varible (dont remember exactly the name but it is obvious with sysctl -a | grep nfs )

you do not need multiple nfsd deamons with multiple nfs shares.  you will need enough threads to serve requests from clients.  i would just up the threads to 100 to start.   if you up the count with the sysctl will increase on the fly.   set this also in /etc/sysctl.conf so it is set on reboot

"Gil Vidals" <gvidals at> wrote:

>I'm hoping that somebody can help me as I've spent about a month studying
>FreeBSD + ZFS to use as a NAS for my VMware ESX environment; however, it
>looks like my hopes were completely dashed yesterday as my ZFS server based
>on 64-bit i7 CPU with 8 GB of RAM and SSD slogs came crumbling down when I
>added a second NFS mount point.
>After several hours of research on the crash, it seems that FreeBSD 8.1
>won't launch more than one nfsd, no matter what is configured in rc.conf.
>(FreeBSD 7.x does launch multiple NFS daemons). So when I added my second
>mount point, the CPU load went very high for the RPC services and the second
>NFS mount point disconnected, brining down the running VMs.
>PROBLEM: only one nfsd
>zambia# ps waux | grep nfs
>root     1213  0.0  0.0  5804  1508  ??  Is    5:23PM   0:00.02 nfsd: master
>root     1214  0.0  0.0  5804  1588  ??  S     5:23PM   8:06.88 nfsd: server
>The solution described here,
> points to compiling a
>kernel with these options:
> options NFSD
> options HZ=1000
>The NFSD seems to be what solved the problem for the forum poster, but NFSD
>option means that NFSv4 (experimental) is what is running and that isn't
>supported by the VMware NFS client, so I can't use it. I don't know what to
>do and I would be grateful for any suggestions.
>Gil Vidals /
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