HAST, ucarp, and ZFS

Pawel Jakub Dawidek pjd at FreeBSD.org
Mon Mar 1 20:43:30 UTC 2010

On Mon, Mar 01, 2010 at 11:57:15AM -0800, Freddie Cash wrote:
> Perhaps it's just a misunderstanding on my part of the layering involved,
> but I'm having an issue with the sample ucarp_up.sh script on the HAST wiki
> page.
> Here's the test setup that I have:
>   hast1:
>       glabel 4x 2 GB virtual disks (label/disk01 --> label/disk04)
>       hast.conf create 4 resources (disk01 --> disk04, using the glabelled
> disks)
>       zpool create hapool raidz1 hast/disk01 .. hast/disk04
>   hast2:
>       glabel 4x 2 GB virtual disks (label/disk01 --> label/disk04)
>       hast.conf create 4 resources (disk01 --> disk04)
> So far so good.  On hast1, I have a working ZFS pool, I can create data,
> filessytems, etc, and watch network traffic as it syncs to hast2.
> I can manually down hast1 and switch hast2 to "primary" and import the
> hapool.  I can create data, filesystems, etc.  And I can manually bring
> hast1 online and set it to secondary, and watch it sync back.
> Where I'm stuck is how to modify the ucarp_up.sh script to work with
> multiple hast resources.  Do I just edit it to handle each of the 4 hast
> resources in turn, or am I missing something simple, like that there should
> only be a single hast resource?  I'm guess it's a simple "edit the script to
> suit my setup" issue, but wanted to double-check.

The scripts in share/examples/hast/ are well... just examples and
unfortunately support only one resource. You have to build/modify the
scripts on your own (and maybe share the results?).
Note that most of hastctl(8) subcommands accept 'all' as resource name,
which means that operation should be performed on all configured

> The production server I want to use this with has 24 harddrives in it,
> configured into multiple raidz2 vdevs, as part of a single ZFS pool.  Which
> will mean 24 separate hast resources, if I understand things correctly.

You do understand it correctly.

Pawel Jakub Dawidek                       http://www.wheel.pl
pjd at FreeBSD.org                           http://www.FreeBSD.org
FreeBSD committer                         Am I Evil? Yes, I Am!
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