auto-mounting ZFS snapshots

Patrick Proniewski patpro at
Mon Dec 6 21:13:21 UTC 2010

On 6 déc. 2010, at 18:20, Freddie Cash wrote:

> FreeBSD automounts the "hidden" .zfs filesystem hierarchy where
> snapshots are "stored" automatically.  No need for amd.

The zfs man page reads:

       File  system snapshots can be accessed under the ".zfs/snapshot" direc-
       tory in the root  of  the  file  system.  Snapshots  are  automatically
       mounted  on demand and may be unmounted at regular intervals. The visi-
       bility of the ".zfs" directory can be controlled by the "snapdir" prop-

"may be unmounted at regular intervals" <-- what about this? Do I have to create a periodic script that'll unmount snapshots? And if so, how can I make a script that'll unmount only snapshots mounted for over, say, 1 hour?


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