Chris Dillon cdillon at wolves.k12.mo.us
Wed May 27 21:36:24 UTC 2009

Quoting Kip Macy <kmacy at freebsd.org>:

> Machines with less than 4GB, especially those with workloads with poor
> locality,  should have prefetch disabled. You should not need the
> other tunables on amd64 (i386 is both a lower priority and a harder
> problem). When reporting problems report them with the tunables
> removed as well as whatever your existing tunables are.

Is vfs.zfs.prefetch_disable something that could have its default  
setting based on how much installed RAM the system has?

Thank you for ZFS v13 back-port, BTW, now I'm anxious for FreeNAS to  
pick it up so I can use it on my new file server at home!


Chris Dillon - NetEng/SysAdm
Reeds Spring R-IV School District
Technology Department
175 Elementary Rd.
Reeds Spring, MO  65737
Voice: 417-272-8266   Fax: 417-272-0015

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