How to report bugs (Re: VERY frustrated with
FreeBSD/UFS stability - please help or comment...)
Eric Anderson
anderson at
Tue May 22 12:30:19 UTC 2007
On 05/21/07 15:37, Gore Jarold wrote:
> --- Kris Kennaway <kris at> wrote:
>> On Mon, May 21, 2007 at 12:16:33PM -0700, Gore
>> Jarold wrote:
>>>>> a) am I really the only person in the world
>> that
>>>> moves
>>>>> around millions of inodes throughout the day ?
>> Am
>>>> I
>>>>> the only person in the world that has ever
>> filled
>>>> up a
>>>>> snapshotted FS (or a quota'd FS, for that
>> matter)
>>>> ?
> (snip)
>> You are certainly not the only persion who operates
>> on millions of
>> inodes, but it is disingenuous to suggest that this
>> is either a
>> "mainstream" or "simple" workload. Also, I
>> personally know of several
>> people who do this without apparent problem, so that
>> is further
>> evidence that whatever problems you are seeing are
>> something specific
>> to your workload or configuration, or you are just
>> unlucky.
> Ok. In my defense, I have to say that as a
> non-developer, end user, it's hard to watch people
> installing ZFS on FreeBSD and running with journaling
> and newfs'ing raw disk with 7.0-current, etc., and not
> feel like I am an extremely pedestrian use case.
> I had no idea I was so cutting edge :)
>> The larger issue here is that apparently you have
>> been suffering in
>> silence for many years with your various
>> frustrations and they have
>> finally exploded into this email. This is really a
>> poor way to
>> approach the goal of getting your problems solved:
>> it is fundamentally
>> a failure of your expectations to think that without
>> adequately
>> reporting your bugs that they will somehow get
>> fixed.
> I need to clarify and respond to this ... my point was
> that every release since 5.0 has had some new and
> interesting instability in this regard. Every time a
> new release comes out, it seems to be "fixed", only to
> reveal some other new and interesting instability.
> So, no, I have not silently suffered with _any one_
> particular problem - they never seem to last more than
> one release or two. It is only now, however, that I
> have come to realize that I am in the same spot
> (overall) today as I was in early 2004. The details
> are slightly different, but the end result is that my
> rsyncs and cps and rms are too much for FreeBSD, and
> have been for 3 years now.
> So what I am saying is, individual causes of
> instability (seem to) come and go, but I am not any
> better of today than I was with 5.0. I have just
> realized this, and that is why I make my frustration
> known today.
>> Without these two things there is really very little
>> that a developer
>> can do to try and guess what might possibly be
>> happening on your
>> system. However, it appears that we might now be
>> making some
>> progress:
>>> ssh user at host rm -rf backup.2
>>> ssh user at host mv backup.1 backup.2
>>> ssh user at host cp -al backup.0 backup.1
>>> rsync /files user at host:/backup.0
>>> The /files in question range from .2 to 2.2
>> million
>>> files, all told. This means that when this script
>>> runs, it first either deletes OR unlinks up to 2
>>> million items. Then it does a (presumably) zero
>> cost
>>> move operation. Then it does a hard-link-creating
>> cp
>>> of the same (up to 2 million) items.
>> Please provide additional details of how the
>> filesystems in question
>> are configured, your kernel configuration, hardware
>> configuration, and
>> the debugging data referred to in 2) above.
> I will collect all of this and submit it the next time
> the system crashes...
For whatever it might be worth, I'm doing a very similar task (using
rsnapshot), for backing up a decent amount of data, with a nightly
difference of a million or so files, touching ~200million files nightly.
I currently have 5 10TB filesystems running, with 20TB more coming
online today or tomorrow.
Here's a df output:
# df -ilk
Filesystem 1024-blocks Used Avail Capacity iused
ifree %iused Mounted on
/dev/amrd0s3a 20308398 1114658 17569070 6% 23080
2614742 1% /
devfs 1 1 0 100% 0
0 100% /dev
/dev/amrd0s3e 18441132 3794030 13171812 22% 96
2402206 0% /tmp
/dev/amrd0s3d 20308398 3164982 15518746 17% 250111
2387711 9% /usr
/dev/ufs/vol1 9926678106 5030793092 4101750766 55% 38875256
1244237702 3% /vol1
/dev/ufs/vol2 9926678106 3668501950 5464041908 40% 67622249
1215490709 5% /vol2
/dev/ufs/vol3 9926678106 5937797134 3194746724 65% 97153
1283015805 0% /vol3
/dev/ufs/vol10 9925732858 8054663156 1077011074 88% 97873355
1185121843 8% /vol10
/dev/ufs/vol11 9925732858 7288510876 1843163354 80% 126038333
1156956865 10% /vol11
I have roughly 50-60 hardlinks per file (for about 80% of the files).
Obviously fsck is not an option (due to memory/time constraints) so I've
been using gjournaling (thanks to PJD).
I *do* have one issue that has cropped up on one of these file systems,
which I just recently found. I'll send a separate email with details.
I don't use snapshots, or background fsck on these at all, nor do I use
So, it can be done, and it can be done with pretty good reliability
(whatever that might mean to any particular person).
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