growfs filesystem size limits ?

Henry Vogt hv at
Thu May 17 16:56:54 UTC 2007

While growing filesystems < 2TB (on FreeBSD 6.2-STABLE) works (even  
with negative superblocknumbers in the output)
it seems impossible to grow larger filesystems:

Trying to grow a filesystem  from ~4TB to ~6TB on a disk with a GPT  
(single partition)

         start         size  index  contents
             0            1         PMBR
             1            1         Pri GPT header
             2           32         Pri GPT table
            34  14648432573      1  GPT part - FreeBSD UFS/UFS2
   14648432607           32         Sec GPT table
   14648432639            1         Sec GPT header

growfs fails:
growfs: we are not growing (2197264879->440882671)

What are the limits, are they bound to the largest possible bsdlabel  
(i.e unsupported  beyond 2^31-1 Sectors) ?
Is it possible to grow such a filesystem ?
What am i doing wrong ? Hints appreciated.

Netzwerk- und System Administration am MPI Campus Tübingen.
Email: hv at
Tel. 07071/601-511

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