ZFS committed to the FreeBSD base.

Romain LE DISEZ ml.freebsd-fs at ledisez.net
Wed May 2 07:20:08 UTC 2007

>> It appears the problem persists, but is more difficult to trigger.
> I had the same problem but with the solution of decreasing kern.maxvnodes
> to 3/4 of the original value, the problem seems solved.

Finally, it seems you're right : "the problem persists, but is more
difficult to trigger."

>> I had a reboot again during building of ports. I decreased maxvnodes
>> further (to about 2/3 of the default, instead of the recommended 4/3 of
>> the default). Even after that, I had another reboot just now, also
>> during building of ports.
>> It takes on the order of several hours to trigger it.
>> Note that I say "reboot" because that's what it was; it appears that
>> when this happens when in X (which I suspect is the triggering
>> difference) a reboot is triggered immediately, while at the console I
>> get the kernel debugger.
> I'm currently running Xorg 7.2 from the experimental port tree (see
> freebsd-x11@) and I'm compiling all the ports of gnome2. The compilation
> starts about 8 hours ago (pfff... that's too long) => no problems. In this
> compilation, I'm using differents FS : port tree is on ZFS+compression and
> work-dir is on UFS.

When generating the ports database (portsdb -Uu), I get a reboot. On the
boot message, I see it was a "kmem_map too small". I don't know if there
is a link but I was running X.org (7.2).

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