Filesystems larger than 2TB?

Eric Anderson anderson at
Fri Jul 20 21:33:00 UTC 2007

NostalgiaForInfinity wrote:
> Ivan Voras-2 wrote:
>> Francisco Reyes wrote:
>>> I many postings I have seen references of filesystems greater than 2TB,
>>> yet I have tried several times to create them and have had problems.
>>> Is there a way to create slices and filesystems greater than 2TB in 6.2?
>>> Perhaps one needs to do it outside sysinstall?
>> Yes, you need to do it outside of sysinstall. There are two ways:
>> 1. don't use partitions/slices at all and create the file system on the
>> raw device (i.e. newfs /dev/da0)
>> 2. use GPT partitions.
>> The first one is recommended in 6.x.
> Thanks, #1 worked for me.  I had two 3ware raid 5 arrays way over 2tb.  I
> did "newfs <devicename>" on each (ie newfs /dev/da0) and result is:
> sigma# uname -a
> FreeBSD 6.2-RELEASE FreeBSD 6.2-RELEASE #0: Fri Jan 12
> 08:43:30 UTC 2007     root at 
> amd64
> sigma# df -h
> Filesystem     Size    Used   Avail Capacity  Mounted on
> /dev/da1s1a    989M     40M    870M     4%    /
> devfs          1.0K    1.0K      0B   100%    /dev
> /dev/da1s1f    4.8G     12K    4.5G     0%    /tmp
> /dev/da1s1h     11G     37M     10G     0%    /users
> /dev/da1s1d     24G    753M     22G     3%    /usr
> /dev/da1s1e     19G    4.0K     18G     0%    /usr/local/www
> /dev/da1s1g    7.7G    280K    7.1G     0%    /var
> /dev/da0       6.6T    2.5G    6.1T     0%    /data0
> /dev/da2       4.6T    1.6G    4.3T     0%    /data2

Did you not want soft updates enabled?  You need to specify it with the 
-U switch.


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