comments on newfs raw disk ? Safe ? (7 terabyte array)

Randy Bush randy at
Tue Feb 13 09:13:53 UTC 2007

this has been a wonderfully well-timed thread as i am about
to hack a 4tb array tomorrow afternoon.  the normal spindle
is separate and partitioned to death and newfsed using the
defaults.  with 2gb of ram, i figure 6gb swap just in case
two userland hogs are running at once, e.g. some hog while
background fsck is running.

the 4tb will be used as a dump/restore target only.  so i
am thinking few files, relatively big ones, little i/o and
more write than read.

so my current plan is

newfs  -b 16384 -f 2048 -i 262144

i would crank up even further, but these are the largest
numbers mentioned in tuning(7).

i will leave -m alone for now.

does this seem reasonable?

thank you all for this thread.


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