Xsan (Apple) on FreeBSD

Matt Olander matt at ixsystems.com
Wed Aug 1 15:58:11 PDT 2007

On Wednesday 01 August 2007 3:22 pm, Patrick Tracanelli wrote:
> Hello Jeff,
> Jeff Mohler wrote:
> > Im yet to hear of a large Xsan install that stayed Xsan once it grew.
> >
> > Most, if not all, have gone to netapp or umm..Isilon (spelling) that ive
> > been close to.   Latest large dump of Xsan that I know of was Current TV
> > in San Francisco, for Isilon.
> Hmm, good to know. I have tested XServe RAID only, which has shown to be
> a good solution as storage system for the usage profile I need, but
> Xsan, never saw it working. Believed it to be the usual path to follow,
> but have hear of people running Stornext instead of xsan.
> So, now my question goes on a different path. Will Isilon OneFS run
> FreeBSD? I head from people at Zoic Studios it is based on FreeBSD, but
> I am not sure how true this information is. Anyway, "based on" wont
> always mean fully compatible.
> Are you aware of OneFS running on FreeBSD?

It is indeed true. OneFS is FreeBSD. The Isilon product is really neat and you 
can buy it modularly, starting with just one unit.


> Thanks Jeff.
> > Beware the hype of Xsan, its a money pit.
> >
> > Then ask em how long it all comes to a halt when a disk fails.
> >
> >
> >
> > On 8/1/07, *Patrick Tracanelli * <eksffa at freebsdbrasil.com.br
> > <mailto:eksffa at freebsdbrasil.com.br>> wrote:
> >
> >     Hello,
> >
> >     Anyone knows if I can have FreeBSD (in fact, many FreeBSD boxes)
> >     acessing the same data on an XSan enviroment? Or, if StorNext FX
> > works on FreeBSD to access an XServe RAID storage system?
> >
> >     What I need is having multiple FreeBSD boxes acessing the same data
> >     on a
> >     storage system (XServer preferrably).
> >
> >     I would like to hear your suggestions and personal experiences.

Matt Olander
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