ZFS: amd64, devd, root file system.

Peter Schuller peter.schuller at infidyne.com
Sun Apr 22 20:26:34 UTC 2007

> Try zfs_load="YES". If this is what you had, send me full dmesg.

Sorry, I had zfs_load="YES". Typo on my part. No typo in loader.conf.

Do you have any suggestion on how to best grab the dmesg, given that
when triggering this the root fs cannot be mounted?

Or do you just want a dmesg from my system in general, with a matching
loader.conf minus the vfs.root.mountfromt?

If the latter, it is available here:


In this dmesg the ZFS pool version output preceeds the glabel tasting. I
was so sure this was not the case. Either I was misstaken or this was
different then for some reason.

/ Peter Schuller

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