ZFS + replacing failing hard-drive.

Rick C. Petty rick-freebsd at kiwi-computer.com
Fri Apr 20 00:41:34 UTC 2007

On Fri, Apr 20, 2007 at 09:14:06AM +1000, Antony Mawer wrote:
> Just another "me too". I've seen (S)ATA-related problems on 6.x (mostly 
> 6.0) based machines, in some cases these appear to have been physical 
> drive errors,  but I haven't been able to verify each individual case. I 
> don't know if quality control is sorely lacking on newer SATA drives or 
> if it's something else... it has caused me to question whether or not 
> there might be a driver/OS level issue...

I'm reluctant to point fingers at the drives (although this is often a good
first guess)..  I have access to a few dozen disks from two separate SATA
batches.  I've noticed that when the identical drives are on the same
Promise controller, FreeBSD reports DMA timeouts occasionally.  I've never
seen anything similar on Ubuntu, although since the timeouts are
unpredictable it's possible there may be throughput differences between the
two OSes.

-- Rick C. Petty

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