ZFS committed to the FreeBSD base.

Scot Hetzel swhetzel at gmail.com
Tue Apr 10 06:52:32 UTC 2007

On 4/10/07, Andrey V. Elsukov <bu7cher at yandex.ru> wrote:
> 2. I've tried snapshots. Seems that all work good. I have one
> question: .zfs directory should be invisible? I can `cd .zfs`
> and see it's content, but may be .zfs should be visible like
> an ufs's .snap?

>From zfs(1M) man page:

       File system snapshots can be accessed under the ".zfs/snapshot"  direc-
       tory  in  the  root  of  the  file  system. Snapshots are automatically
       mounted on demand and may be unmounted at regular intervals. The  visi-
       bility of the ".zfs" directory can be controlled by the "snapdir" prop-
       snapdir=hidden | visible

           Controls  whether  the ".zfs" directory is hidden or visible in the
           root of the file system as discussed in  the  "Snapshots"  section.
           The default value is "hidden".

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