2820sa crashes were quotas the whole time (!) Some questions...

Ensel Sharon user at dhp.com
Wed Jun 21 19:21:40 UTC 2006

I was having trouble this weekend with a 2820sa on 6.1-RELEASE.  Although
those problems went away when I downsized my largest partitions below 2TB,
the system was still crashing _a lot_, always with aac0 timeouts, and
eventually a message:

Warning! Controller is no longer running!  code=0xbcef0100

I turned off quotas and all is well.


So ... is it possible that the quota problems in 6.1 would cause a raid
controller to crash ?  (it seems to be the case)

What are the details of the 6.1 quota problems (I am running them fine in
6.0, with a 1610sa adaptec sata raid card) and is there some kind of
tuning or workaround that would allow them to be run ?

Is there a forthcoming patch that I can apply to 6.1-RELEASE without
reloading the whole OS ?


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